Friday, 30 January 2015

Big Hero 6

This film was just so adorable, Baymax and Hiro's relationship was so sweet, its always the case where the human starts out weary when confronted with a robot who just wants to please your medical needs, but it doesn't last long which I liked, because Baymax is just what Hiro needed in the mist of his grief. Can I just say, you don't see many supportive sibling characters like Tadashi and Hiro, it was a very encouraging and loving relationship. His death wasn't portrayed great, it was a bit cliched and wasn't too impacting, but I'm glad they followed Hiro through his stages of grief, because that's what connects  with an audience. I also liked how it wasn't revealed straight away that his aunt looked after him, I had just assumed it was his mother, but it was a nice reveal to see that it wasn't the typically family set up, and she was supporting and loving as any mother would look like. 

The villains were pretty weak, I suppose the moralistic side of the film was meant to out weigh any real danger, it was about friendship and support, which was what I took from it. I just think overall it was a great film which displayed relevant messages and comforting entertainment, of course the whole 'I'm going to quickly design something amazing in two minutes' is not realistic, but its an animated kids film, it has to be extra cool and fun, pair that with likeable characters and relationships it all worked out in the end.

Go and see this film if you like the following:

  1. Cute and adorable characters like Baymax.
  2. Adorably unaware characters like Baymax.
  3. A giant marshmallow robot like Baymax.
  4. Cool interesting female characters who are not in romantic relationships.
  5. Super hero fun.
  6.  Funny banter with the protagonist and robot.
  7. Cute supportive brotherly relationship.
I really enjoyed watching it, great for escapism, even if I am in my late teens. 
8/10 and remember- Balalalala 

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